Friday, January 18, 2019

Apple Chorizo Ring - Healthself Reset

During my treatment with The Cleveland Clinics Functional Medicine Department I was honored to have Brigid Titgemeier MS, RDN, LD as my treating dietician.  I only met with her once but the impression she left with me was powerful.  I only met with her once because it was one of her last days before leaving the CCFMD to break off and pursue her own business.  I've followed her ever sense. Like a creepy nutritional junkie stalker.  I wonder if that could be a thing?

Be sure to visit She's teamed up with some pretty great doctors to bring you a complete packet of nutritional support!  Check it out.

For the last two years, at the beginning of each year they put on The Healthyself Reset program.  I participated last year and again this year.  My take away is usually a great tool box of delicious recipes and meal ideas to keep me on track.   The best part.....IT'S FREE.  Last years favorite take away was her Avocado chocolate mousse.  Life changing.

This morning I made HSR week one breakfast; Apple Chorizo Ring.  This is a meal that will be repeated often.  It was super easy, quick and amazing.

Because I have portion issues, I paired it with a fried egg and fresh slices of avocado.  It is however a meal in itself. Packed with 21g of protein, 33g fat, 11g carbs and 428 Calories just for a fraction of the entire ring! The recipe makes 6 servings.

Since I chose to make this fresh this morning I did not eat lunch and my breakfast was later in the morning.  So it ended up like a "brunch"!!

1 large egg
1/4 cup almond milk, unsweetened
1 lb bulk chorizo
3/4 cup gluten-free crackers, crushed
3/4 cup granny smith apple, finely chopped 

1/4 cup shallots, minced

1. preheat oven to 350 F.
  1. in a small bowl, whisk egg and almond milk.
  2. in a medium size bowl, add sausage, crushed crackers, apple and
  3. pour egg mixture in medium size bowl and mix all ingredients.
  4. turn into a bunt pan and press lightly into the mold.
  5. bake for 40-45 minutes.

    If you have similar struggles with diet and lifestyle and want to be part of my online FB group #waragainstsugar, comment below, friend me on FB and I'll add you to the community. Follow me on instagram @svwz1323. Be sure to leave me a comment! 
    #grandmajuju #50isntsobad #waragainstsugar #waronsugar 

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