Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chocolate Ice Cream

Chocolate Paleo Ice Cream.  Can it be?

This creation I stumbled upon.  I was searching for different ideas of things to make and happened upon an Almond and Cashew yogurt.  I'm not a big fan of  yogurt but I thought it would be different and the photo made it look yummy.  I began by following the recipe and soaked the almonds and cashews.  I was short on almonds so I threw in a handful of pecan too. (A nuts a nut right?)

The recipe for yogurt I followed, click here

First of all unless you have a really powerful food processor, don't bother.  I ended up with a big mess transferring from the processor to the blender.  I would just start by putting all ingrediants in the blender (provided yours can make smoothies)  Although you might want to try putting the nuts and dates in the processor first to create a finer substance to add to your blender. Just omit the water until you move it to the blender. Chopping up dates and nuts might be too much for just a blender.  Just a thought.

As the mixture of nuts, dates, water started blended nicely (about 3-4 minutes) I realized I forgot the cinnamon.  As I added it, I tried it. Hmmmm  I pondered.  Then tried it again. Hmmmmm the flavor didn't strike me.  But it was good, just not the right flavor.  The consistency reminded me of moose at this point since the blender was doing a nice job of making it creamy.  And when you think of creamy moose you think CHOCOLATE moose.  So I grabbed the cocoa and added about a tablespoon.  Whala!!

The mixture was warm from running in the blender for 10 minutes so I stuck it in the freezer to speed up the cooling.  (and the light bulb turns on)  If I freeze it, it would be like chocolate frozen yogurt and who doesn't love that.

Few hours later after dinner......Dessert!  Although it was chocolate with a hint of cinnamon. LOL

Side note....because my teeth don't like really cold things, I left some of it sit a few minutes and it turns back into creamy moose when it melts.  Awesomeness.

Delicious and easy smeazy.  Other then the soaking and freezing this took about 15-20 minutes total. (not counting the time it took to clean up my food processor mess) 


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