I was looking for a protein ball recipe, you know the kind you don't bake? During my search I came across these and thought.....hhmmmm I have all those ingredients (4 of them)

Fifteen minutes later I had these. Which was good because I needed to do a WOD today and had plenty of time to get to the box.

It can't get any easier, unless of course you don't have a food processor. If you don't have one, go invest in one. A good one. You'll use it a lot once you have it. Of course if you have one of those super mighty Vitamix blenders or Nijas' they'll work but don't ask me what setting to use. Those things are too pricey for me.
1/2 cup pitted dates
1/2 cup oats ( I used steel cut this time, it's all I had on hand)
1 cup dried apples - not the crispy kind, the chewy soft kind
1 tsp cinnamon ( next time I thought to use pumpkin pie spice)

Throw it all in the processor and mix until pasty. I added a few drops of water towards the end to bring it together like a dough.
Then I rolled them up in tiny little balls of wonderfulness.
I would not suggest eating them all in one sitting. It will be hard not to. Just pop one in your mouth every so often to curve that sweet tooth.
Got kids? Oh yeah these will be a hit.
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