Happy New Year!!!
It's 2014. Time to reset and have a great year! New Years resolutions only work if you write them down and announce them to the world. So here's mine.
Do not stray from a whole, clean, paleo"ish" lifestyle. This means never having pizza again? NO. It means have pizza, in moderation, only when special occasions warrant the need. It means not choosing to order it for dinner.
When I started Crossfit in Feb 2012 I had no idea what proper diet and nutrition was. I thought I did, but the reality was I had no clue. So in my first year of Crossfit I tried it, failed at it, tried it again and again. Most of the year was educating myself and attempting to purge the bad foods from my lifestyle. Success.
The second year of Crossfit in 2013 was taking what I had learned and applying it on a more consistent basis while at the same time trying to fool myself into thinking I didn't need to eat this way all the time. For example, I would spend weeks planning, preparing and eating clean in preparation for an event or competition. Then once it was over I'd slip back to old eating habits and kill any progress I may have made. Then doing it all over again the next month. What I learned in a year? You can't do this and expect any change in results.
I expect myself in 2014 to take what I've learned over the two years and commit to it. I know what my body responds well to and what it does not. I know that grains are not a friend of my body in any way shape or form. I'm 100% sure of this. I know my body needs more protein and less fat and I have to find ways to adjust this in 2014.
So.....what did I have for breakfast today? (Sorry no photo)
Three eggs. One full egg, two whites. Scrambled with salt/pepper/garlic powder
About 2 oz (half slice) Harvati cheese melted on top
Sautéed onion, spinach and parsley
(I cooked a whole onion, about 2 cups of spinach and about 2 Tbls of parsley chopped in aprox 1 Tbl of bacon grease. I ate about 1/2 cup with breakfast)
Baked butternut squash (about 1/4 cup) plain
1 C fresh squeezed OJ
and a piece of bacon.
All easy stuff, no fancy recipes. Basic good food. Although I need to get rid of the bacon grease somehow.....it's just so good.

What's your lifestyle resolution? Write it down, announce it to the world. Comment on my blog and share it with me. I'd love to help keep you on track!!
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