Sunday, May 5, 2013

What is Crossfit? How did I get started?

In case you don't already know.  This is what Crossfit is.... watch the video.

How did I get started in Crossfit? 

The story is pretty cool.  My son who is actively serving in the United State Navy had taken a voluntary deployment to Afghanistan.  While on his leave home before deploying he took me and his sister to a local Crossfit box that had opened just a few months earlier.  He has been doing Crossfit for about a year and wanted to share it with us.  At the time I was in the worst shape of my life. At 180 lbs and a couch potato, I ate everything and did nothing. 

This is what he told me.

"Mom I want you to do this while I'm gone. If you don't you'll sit around and worry about me.  Try to become a different person by the time I come back"

He doesn't remember saying this to me but I'll never forget it.  And I wasn't about to let him down considering what he was about to do for all of us.

Little did I know....

These are the pictures my son took of my first WOD

 Yea right...I think he only had me do five sit ups, five burbees and five squats.  I was toast.


1 comment:

  1. Sis, you are such a badass and and inspiration to yourself and so many more! Thanks for dragging me into a box!


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