Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hamburger Helper - Paleoish Style

Hamburger Helper is a staple in America. Growing up I can remember looking forward to Mom making it for dinner.  Living single as a young adult it's what you survived on. And of course the cycle of bad choices continued when I was a single Mom of two. Both my kids became accustomed to eating it as a favorite meal.

No we didn't make hamburger helper for Dinner.  We have broken the cycle of bad choices and we made our own healthier version.

I have to give my daughter all the credit for this one.  I had a package of ground meat that we had for a few days. I knew if I didn't use it that day it would be forgotten and go bad. So I asked her to brown it and we'd figure out later what to make with it.  Later when she was almost done she said to me "I know you'll think this is gross but my friends Mom use to make this for us"  She then explained putting American cheese, mustard and ketchup in with the meat and mix it up.  I said that doesn't sound gross but we couldn't use cheese.  I bet adding cheese would make it even better!

No photo because it actually looks really gross and I couldn't figure out how to present it!

So this is what we did. We didn't measure so I'm guessing how much we used. You'll want to adjust to your liking and add a little at a time.

1lb cooked ground beef, drained and rinsed
1 cup mayo
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 - 1/4 cup mustard
about 5 or 6 hamburger pickle chips, chopped (about 1/4cup)
1/4 cup chopped onions (I used red but I'm sure any kind would be okay)
Salt and Pepper

Mix it all up - heat it and enjoy!  This is where you can add it to a hamburger bun with lettuce and tomato or in a wrap if you are eating carbs.

I can't call it Paleo...but I can call is lower in calories and chemicals then the standard Hamburger Helper.  Great for left overs!!!

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